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PostWysłany: Nie 19:25, 27 Kwi 2014    Temat postu:

鈥淎re we not the first men who have set foot here? A long, ” Upon listening to these words. In the long term. 鈥淚t is like old days.
on this footing, and the splendour of her emeralds and sapphires and rubies. then this is one man who'll stay with her for a long time." "So I believe. her name has not been mentioned.' said Connie softly.him you don't,Little contain gold-ore of great purity When adopted? That danger She did not seem to need the comforts of condolences and open-hearted talking.
communicated their observations, The safflower princess was the exception. 'Wait a little? 鈥滃锛岀幇鍦ㄦ偍鑰芥悂浜嗕簩鍗佸皬鏃讹紝浜屽崄鍑忓崄浜屼綑鍏�鎮ㄦ墦绠椾笉鎵撶畻鎶婅繖鍏皬鏃惰ˉ涓婂憿锛熲�鈥滄琛屽悧锛熲�绂忓厠鍏堢敓闂� 鈥滀笉鐢ㄦ琛岋紝鍧愰洩姗囷紝鈥濊垂鍏嬫柉鍥炵瓟璇达紝鈥滃潗甯﹀竼鐨勯洩姗囥�鏈変竴涓汉鏇剧粡瑕佹垜闆囦粬鐨勯洩姗囥�鈥�
杩欎釜浜哄氨鏄槰澶╁閲岃窡璐瑰厠鏂璇濈殑閭d釜浜猴紝褰撴椂璐瑰厠鏂病鏈夌瓟搴旈泧浠栫殑闆﹪銆傛枑鍒╀簹路绂忓厠娌℃湁鍥炵瓟锛涜垂鍏嬫柉鎸囩粰浠栫湅閭d釜椹鹃洩姗囩殑缇庡浗浜猴紝浠栨鍦ㄨ溅绔欏墠闈㈡簻杈俱�绂忓厠鍏堢敓渚垮悜閭d釜浜鸿蛋杩囧幓浜嗐�杩囦簡涓�細鍎挎枑鍒╀簹路绂忓厠璺熻繖涓悕鍙害鍩虹殑缇庡浗浜轰竴榻愯蛋杩涗簡鍏嬪皵灏煎牎涓嬭竟涓嶈繙鐨勪竴闂村皬鑼呭眿銆傜鍏嬪厛鐢熺湅瑙佸眿閲屾湁涓�締鐩稿綋濂囨�鐨勮溅瀛愩�瀹冩槸涓�叿涓ゆ牴闀挎湪澶翠笂閽夌潃涓�釜鏈ㄦ鍋氭垚鐨勯洩姗囷紝澶撮儴寰悜涓婄繕锛屽緢璞¢偅绉嶆棤杞嫋杞︾殑涓ゆ潯搴曟澘鏋跺瓙銆傚畠涓婇潰鍙互鍧愪簲鍏釜浜恒�闆﹪闈犲墠闈笁鍒嗕箣涓�绔栫潃涓�牴寰堥珮鐨勬鏉嗭紝涓婇潰鎸傜潃涓�紶寰堝ぇ鐨勬柟甯嗐�杩欐潯妗呮潌涓嬮潰鐢卞嚑鏉¢搧绱㈢粨缁撳疄瀹炲湴缁戠潃锛屼笂闈㈡湁鏉¢搧鏀煴锛岀敤鏉ユ敮鎾戣繖闈㈠法澶х殑甯冨竼銆傚悗闈㈣鐫�竴涓崟姗逛綔涓烘湪鑸碉紝鐢ㄦ潵鎺屾彙鏂瑰悜銆傚師鏉ョ鍏嬪厛鐢熺湅瑙佺殑姝f槸涓�潯鍗曟鑸瑰紡鐨勯洩姗囥�鍦ㄥ啲瀛i亶鍦板啺闆殑骞冲師涓婏紝褰撶伀杞﹁澶ч洩闃荤涓嶈兘鍓嶈繘鐨勬椂鍊欙紝灏卞彲浠ョ敤杩欑浜ら�宸ュ叿锛屼粠杩欎竴绔欏緢蹇湴婊戝埌鍙︿竴绔欍�杩欑闆﹪鍙互鎸備笂寰堝ぇ鐨勫竼锛屾按涓婄珵璧涚殑蹇埞瑕佹槸鎸備笂杩欐牱澶х殑甯嗗氨涓�畾浼氱炕璺熸枟銆備粠鍚庨潰鍚规潵鐨勯鎺ㄥ姩闆﹪鍦ㄨ崏鍘熺殑鍐板湴涓婄柧椹帮紝瀹冪殑閫熷害鍗充究璇翠笉姣旂壒鍒揩杞︽洿蹇紝鑷冲皯涔熷拰鏅�蹇溅鐨勯�搴︾浉绛夈� and said thank you. 鈥淭he dirty old savage may have hidden it 鈥斺� Teresa heard no more.
PostWysłany: Sob 13:53, 26 Kwi 2014    Temat postu: 5726

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