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Wysłany: Śro 18:02, 27 Lis 2013 Temat postu: /Sandhya3Bhttps |
Aldi in Germany: Local Profile
Bharatbook from its exhaustive collection has come out with a report "Aldi in Germany: Local Profile" which gives an overview, Demand, Supply Trends and industry analysis report Product SynopsisThis is a detailed report covering Aldis store formats, private labels, history, key employees, and key financial and operational metrics in Germany. and LandscapeWhy was the report written?This is a comprehensive report covering Aldis operations in Germany. It offers insightful analysis of the company and details of its store formats, private labels, history, news, key employees, and key financial and operational metrics.The report also presents market shares and investment strategies of the companys key local competitors.What is the current market landscape and what is changing?The retail industry in Germany has been affected by the Eurozone crisis and high inflation in the country, resulting in restricted consumer spending. However, the economy is relatively stable compared to many other European economies.Research AnalysisWhat makes this report unique and essential to read?The report provides detailed information on Aldi Germanys operations and strategy. Additionally, it presents market shares and investment strategies of the companys key competitors in the country.Key Features and BenefitsThe report provides a comprehensive analysis of Aldis operations in Germany and is an essential tool to gain a detailed understanding of the companys local operations.The report presents Aldis Germany strategy, which is essential in understanding the direction of the company in the coming years.A unique table presenting the information of major retailers in Germany. It provides information on the retailers store banners,[url=]christian louboutin schuhe[/url], country of origin, store count and year of inception in Germany.An insightful analysis of Aldi Germany providing details of its store formats, private labels, history, news,[url=]christian louboutin online shop[/url], key employee biographies, and key financial and operational metrics.The report provides market share data of Aldi and its key competitors in Germany. Additionally, it presents investment strategies of the companys key competitors and this information is essential to gain an understanding of the market.Key HighlightsAldi plans to increase its focus on private labels to cater to the increased demand for low priced products.Aldi plans to renovate 2,509 Aldi Nord stores in Germany.1 Introduction1.1 What is this Report About?1.2 Scope2 Aldi Germany Company Profile2.1 Company Overview2.2 Business Description2.2.1 Store formats2.2.2 Store banners2.2.3 Private labels2.3 Events and History2.4 Awards and Recognitions2.4.1 Awards3 Aldi Germany Key Information3.1 Financial Performance3.2 Operational Performance3.2.1 Store count3.2.2 Sales per store3.2.3 Sales per square meter3.3 Key Employees4 Aldi Germany Corporate Strategy4.1 Renewed Focus on Private Labels5 Aldi Germany News6 Competitive Environment6.1 Main Retailers in Germany6.2 Market Share of Main Food Retailers in Germany6.3 Investment and Expansion Plans of Competitors6.3.1 Edeka6.3.2 REWE7 Appendix7.1 About Canadean7.2 DisclaimerFor more information kindly visit : Aldi in Germany: Local ProfileOrBharat Book BureauTel: +91 22 27810772 / 27810773Fax: + 91 22 27812290Email: info@bharatbook.comWebsite: www.bharatbook.comFollow us on twitter:!/Sandhya3B!/bharatbook |